Axia has experience engineering high performance, pure fibre networks in several countries across the world. Our differentiated approach of focusing on fibre transport and giving the end customer their choice of web services offers the ultimate control. We work with both private sector and government stakeholders to leverage resources and reduce the initial capital cost of network builds, which allows our partners to deliver infrastructure to under-served regions. By focussing on delivering new services to market to meet customer needs and connecting new customers to our networks we have proven our repeatable model of network connectivity solution internationally.

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Contact one of our friendly Account Executives and we can work with you to understand your business goals and help you choose the best FibreNet services to fit your needs.

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The FibreNet is Axia's way of doing business. Our service portfolio is committed to delivering the fastest, most reliable data transport services over state of the art, pure fibre networks. We make it possible for our customers to develop simple, flexible and scalable solutions to bridging the urban-rural divide while delivering the highest standard of customer support and service reliability in the industry.

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Fibre optic technology uses threads of glass to transmit data. These cables consists of a bundle of glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light waves. Fibre optic technology has significant advantages over traditional copper communication lines:

  • Fibre optic cables have a much greater bandwidth than copper cables, meaning they can transport more data.
  • Fibre optic cables are weather safe meaning that cold and wet conditions do not affect them unlike wireless which requires a direct line of sight. 
  • Fibre optics allows for a dedicated line to every customer, ensuring the uttermost security. With other copper lines, each connection along the chain competes for bandwidth. 
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